
Looking for a sponge cake without fuss? Try this sugar free low carb simple sponge cake. Moist, tasty and versatile. You won’t be disappointed!Ingredients


  1. pre-heat oven to 160C fan (175C static).
  2. melt butter in the microwave on low setting and set aside to cool down.
  3. using a hand whisk, blend ricotta, erythritol and stevia
  4. whisk in whole eggs, one at a time, then add melted butter and whisk a little more.
  5. add sieved flour and baking powder, plus salt, and mix well.
  6. pour cake mix into a 24cm x 24cm silicone oven mould or similar (unless using silicone, make sure to butter the mould first).
  7. bake for about 30 mins until golden brown.
  8. allow to cool completely before serving with a little sugar free icing sugar sprinkled on top.

NotesMacros if using Philadelphia cheese: Kcals 173; F 14.6g; C 2.2g; P 6.7g.
Macros if using Mascarpone cheese (Lovilio): Kcals 231; F 21.6g; C 1.9g; P 6.3g.

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