
Eating healthy can be tough, especially if you like chocolate or cake, well this Slimming World Low Syn Chocolate Cake give you the best of all worlds, chocolate, cake and you can eat it on Slimming World, what’s not to like?

 Prep Time5 Mins Cook Time20 Mins Servings PiecesINGREDIENTS100 g self rising flour 50 g light Sunflower spread 4 Medium Eggs 2 tbsp cocoa powder  1 tsp Baking Powder 4 tbsp Granulated Sweetener, Frylight

Preheat the oven to 160°C.
Spray a baking tin (approx 8×8 inches) with Frylight and line the bottom and sides with baking parchment.
Place the spread, sweetener, baking powder, self raising flour, eggs, cocoa into a large mixing bowl and mix together until fully combined.
Pour the mixture into the lined baking tin. Sprinkle the chocolate chips on the top on the mixture.
Once cooked, turn out onto a wire rack and remove the baking parchment. Cut into 16 squares.
OPTIONAL Melt the white chocolate in a microwavable bowl, drizzle the white chocolate over the squares and serve.
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